When we talk about engaging and connecting students, as well as developing their profound love towards learning through out of classroom learnings, it will always remind me of Maria, the [...]
The fascinating world of the universe has been charming human kinds since the beginning of civilisation. Through observing the sky, our ancestors learnt a lot about the cosmos and started to make [...]
The sociology of gender examines a wide range of topic on how the society influences our understandings and perception of differences between masculinity and femininity. And this week in “TIPS”, [...]
In the MTR Training Centre, OTD Centre Cab Simulator, Kathleen Yau, Atg Dsgn Supp Engr-Network from MTR explains to us the workflow of the three types of switch that connect the MTR Corporate [...]
The definition of globalisation is transforming over the decades, and so do globalisation in higher education. As the Asia’s global university, HKU Around the World is “committed to diversity, [...]
Breakthrough technologies emerge every year. In 2018, AI is taking shape and started to gain the ability to imagine and might become more independent in the future. In terms of usability, [...]