Introducing the Armillary Sphere e-Learning App in Space Museum
The fascinating world of the universe has been charming human kinds since the beginning of civilisation. Through observing the sky, our ancestors learnt a lot about the cosmos and started to make accurate prediction on the times and directions of sunrise and sunset.
Being the man who dedicates his life to the stars, Prof. Sun Kwok, Honorary Professor of TeLi held a public lecture about astronomy titled “The effects of Ancient Astronomy on the History of Human Development” in the lecture hall located at the Hong Kong Space Museum last Saturday. Throughout the lecture, Prof. Kwok illustrated the power of the armillary sphere in predicted celestial motions with an e-learning app as developed by our in house developer and animator to simulate the mechanical armillary sphere.
The MOOC Our Place in the Universe as instructed by Prof. Kwok will also go online on June 12, 2018. Learn more about the Universe by reading our e-learning blog!