Promoting and Enabling Technology-Enriched Learning
Breakthrough technologies emerge every year. In 2018, AI is taking shape and started to gain the ability to imagine and might become more independent in the future. In terms of usability, advanced machine learning is becoming much more affordable for businesses and industries outside the tech industry as enabled by cloud services.
As if the boot is on the other foot, the wind of change is blowing in world class universities. Educational innovations and methods are keep on emerging and transforming rapidly in the recent years. Good news is that, TeLi is with you in HKU powering the future of education with technology-enriched learnings with our team of e-learning professionals.
Today in the lecture theatre located at the Jockey Club Tower in the Centennial Campus of the University of Hong Kong, we are thrilled to invite Dr. Toru Iiyoshi from Kyoto University to be our speaker of the seminar “Promoting and Enabling Technology-Enriched Learning – Challenges and Strategies” as organized by TeLi. With Prof. Ricky Kwok, Associate Vice-President of Teaching & Learning from the University of Hong Kong as the respondent of the event, TeLi aims to “create an ecosystem that enables us to build necessary support capacity for more personalized, flexible, and on-demand lifelong learning”.
Interested in TeLi? Learn more about TeLi’s latest projects by reading our e-learning blog.