He for She = Human for Human
When we talk about human rights, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? No slavery? We’re all equal before the law? Or maybe, all of us should has the right to freedom of thought? According to United Nations (UN), human rights has 30 categories, and “human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status.”
In the TeLi studio, our crew filmed the introduction video of the “HeForShe” movement for Dr. Carmen K M Tong from Department of Sociology this afternoon. Echoing UN’s declaration, Dr. Tong explains that UN Women sees gender equality not as a women’s issue but a human right issue. She also mentioned about the pilot initiative titled Impact 10x10x10. By joining force with world leaders from 10 governments, 10 corporations and 10 universities across the world, Professor Peter Mathieson launched a campus campaign addressing gender issues across the university, making HKU the first university to do so.
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