When we talk about human rights, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? No slavery? We’re all equal before the law? Or maybe, all of us should has the right to freedom of thought? [...]
With the breakthrough of science over the decades, technology advancements were said to be making our lives easier, helping people connect with each other, and even increasing productivity with [...]
Students who enjoy learnings and able to achieve academic excellence have been labeled negatively as bookworms in the past. While this negative stereotype still sticks around like a contemporary [...]
“He that travels far knows much.” Such quote was created at a time before time-space compression makes such a huge impact on our contemporary lifestyle. Despite the fact that we could now easily [...]
Apart from legal knowledge, analytical ability, attention to detail, logical reasoning skills, and sound judgement are a few essential skills to name in becoming a successful lawyer.
Starting from 5,000 years ago, our ancestors have been observing patterns of the sky to understand and evaluate our place in the universe. Being the oldest science on earth, astronomy is an ever [...]
Just a couple of days ago, our TeLi crew visited the MTR Academy in filming the secrets behind overhead power cables. Today, our crew is honoured to partner with Mr. C Y Lee, an experienced [...]
MTR as one of the world's leading railway operators, it’s operating with an average weekday patronage of about 5.6 million passengers according to its official website. Being one of the major [...]
Facing globalization in the 21st century, the originally diversified social and cultural aspects of different countries are blending together like never before. Throwback to the time before the [...]
Paypal, Credit card, and cryptocurrency. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who is not a user of FinTech nowadays. Flashback to last December, our TeLi crew has started filming the Asia’s [...]