Arousing Students’ Learning Interest through Flipped Classroom

 In TELI Diary

“He that travels far knows much.” Such quote was created at a time before time-space compression makes such a huge impact on our contemporary lifestyle. Despite the fact that we could now easily receive latest information and gain knowledge without traveling far, it still corroborates that experience is always worth more than knowledge.

Theory and practice as one, experiential learning is to learn through experience and reflection. In order to give students a general overview of different experimental approaches and model systems, and to provide students with hands-on experience in basic biochemical and molecular techniques, Dr. N S Wong from School of Biomedical Sciences made use of the Flipped Classroom as enabled by TeLi in “BIOC3604: Essential Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology” to arouse students’ learning interest. As a result, students are very active in the flipped class and even take the initiative to have further discussion with Dr. Wong after class.

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