Gamification of learnings through the CSI Game

 In TELI Diary

The gamification of learning as simple as earning marks has a long history that could trace back to the 1700s. In TeLi, a group of innovative developers and designers is now adding a splash of life to the study materials of the course CCST9010 “The Science of Crime Investigation” with technology by gamifying its learning experience through creating a CSI game.

Students who could achieve academic excellence with seemingly effortless ease usually treat learning as fun and rewarding like a game. This week, our TeLi crew filmed the Flipped Learning highlight as part of a 4-minute video in showcasing the CSI game initiative. Featuring a group of four students playing board games, using electronic devices to access edX, and investigating bloodstains at a crime scene in the CSI game, they are thrilled to share how gamification benefits to their learning experience.

Interested in TeLi? Learn more about TeLi’s latest project by reading our e-learning blog.

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