Tort Law DIY Filming
You might have watched the Flipped Classroom Symposium through TeLi’s live and on-demand streaming. You might have also gained knowledge on ways to transform and enhance the traditional way of teaching facing technology advancements. But have you ever wondered how to turn all these workshop takeaways into tangible to-do’s in real life?
Professor Rick Glofcheski from Faculty of Law was one of the speaker of the symposium. Throughout his presentation, it inspired us to realise his humour and passion in education are some of the unspoken successful factors in engaging and charming audiences in flipped classroom teaching. What’s more, he also moves with the time and picked up essential skills in producing e-learning materials in encouraging collaboration between students to promote peer-to-peer learnings. With limited assistance from TeLi, Professor Glofcheski took ownership in his Tort Law course video filming with DIY filming and setup.
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