How does Experiential Learning work?

 In TELI Diary

Students who enjoy learnings and able to achieve academic excellence have been labeled negatively as bookworms in the past. While this negative stereotype still sticks around like a contemporary legend, Experiential Learning (EL) might provide a solid ground to prove an agile mind might be the truth behind such outstanding academic achievements.

EL already has a long history and is still very popular in higher education nowadays. According to Dr. Lily Zeng from Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, a learner has to obtain the subject knowledge, skills needed for the tasks, information about the context, knowledge about the practices in a particular professional context, reflective skills, and some generic skills such as collaboration skills, communication skills, problem solving skills before starting a fruitful experiential journey. Today, our TeLi crew helped filming the educational videos about EL for Dr. Zeng and her students. By sharing their experience in EL and internships, it provides audiences a clear picture of EL and enable us to further understand its system and benefits.

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