According to Census and Statistics Department’s report in 2016, Hong Kong population aged 65 or above has risen from 12 percent to 16 percent in 10 years. In response to the depression issues [...]
From arranging HKU student placement with our community partners to help students gain real-world environment experience, to integrating Experiential Learning (EL) in HKU programmes, EL is [...]
Our TeLi crew has started filming the Asia’s first FinTech MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) today. The MOOC is a six-week online course on Financial Technology featuring world class experts to [...]
As we enter the entrepreneurial era, it makes us wonder what exactly entrepreneurship is. Facing this global phenomenon, Common Core will explore modern entrepreneurship with us by offering the [...]
Located in Pauline Chan Building, 10 Sassoon Road, the Nursing Skills Laboratory is a high-tech training centre of the HKU School of Nursing with simulation equipment such as SimMan and [...]
Technology advancements has made a huge impact on human behaviors and way of life. World class universities are evaluating how to use technology to transform how they deliver knowledge to [...]
Today, Professor W. John Kao, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global) of HKU welcomes students from various backgrounds to join the HKU family. Our production crew from TeLi worked hand [...]