Linking NGOs with Tech

 In TELI Diary

Technology has always played a role in transforming the society and our way of life. TeLi stands for Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative. And the learnings do not only limit to the university itself. Since its establishment, TeLi has been collaborating with various NGOs in creating tech projects and launching meaningful initiatives.

As part of the JC SMART Family-Link Project, TeLi strive to advance Information and Communication Technology (“ICT”) in family services for 26 NGO operated Integrated Family Service Centres/Integrated Service Centres. In the TeLi studio, our crew is filming demonstration videos for the i-Connect CMS system. Through the videos, we aim to help staff members of NGOs in understanding the procedures of operating the new CMS system, the login system, and ways to search case files.

Interested in TeLi? Learn more about TeLi’s latest project by reading our e-learning blog.

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