Embedding Machine Learning and Augmented Reality into a Collaborative Problem-Solving Game to Enrich the Student Learning Experience
Dr Wincy Chan (Instructional Designer, TELI) and Mr Xiangyu Hou (E-learning Technology Assistant, TELI) were invited by Education Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to share their experience of developing a mobile game app in which artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) are used to immerse students in being an investigator of a crime scene. Students can develop a sense of ownership in their learning through a series of collaborative tasks during lessons.
Dr Wincy Chan shared how she gamified her common core course with the CSI mobile game app. [Image credit: PALMS]
Dr Wincy Chan and Mr Xiangyu Hou responded to questions arising from the workshop participants. [Image credit: PALMS]